The Vancouver Institute, a voluntary organization with a storied history dating back to 1916, has consistently served as a bridge between academia and the local community. Throughout its existence, the Institute has steadfastly ensured that access to its lectures and discussions remains barrier-free, eschewing any entrance fees to guarantee that financial constraints do not hinder participation. Esteemed speakers graciously share their expertise without compensation, while the expenses associated with bringing experts from outside Vancouver are sustained through the goodwill donations and voluntary subscriptions of civic-minded individuals.
We cordially extend an invitation to you to become a valued member of The Vancouver Institute, renewing your affiliation on an annual basis. Notably, both membership dues and contributions are eligible for tax deductions, with an official receipt being provided for your records. For a seamless pre-8:00 p.m. seating experience during lectures, we kindly request that you bring your membership card.

The dedicated Executive team at The Vancouver Institute would like to express their deep appreciation for the cooperation and invaluable assistance they’ve received from The University of British Columbia, particularly from UBC Continuing Studies, Public Affairs, and the Visiting Scholars Programs. Our heartfelt gratitude extends to Ted Powell, The Institute’s webmaster; Ingrid Perlstrom; Tony Voon; Vince Hart; and David Gold for their indispensable support.
As of the Fall of 2014, The Institute is celebrating its remarkable 99th year of operation, with plans underway for a special capital campaign to mark its impending 100th anniversary. We wholeheartedly encourage you to consider making an additional contribution to support this important milestone. Furthermore, we graciously welcome planned giving as an option for contributions. All benefactors will receive well-deserved recognition on our program’s donations panel.
Membership Rates:
- Student: $10.00
- Individual: $25.00
- Family: $35.00
We wish to acknowledge that the following categories will receive special recognition within our printed program:
- Contributor: Donations of $100 or more
- Donor: Donations of $250 or more
- Benefactor: Donations of $500 or more
- Institute Circle: Donations of $1000 or more